Graduate Development

Case Study - Graduate Development Programme

Graduate Development 

To deliver an outstanding graduate induction and development programme, equipping new recruits with the confidence to contribute fully to their new work teams.


For participants to:
  • Build self-awareness, understanding their skills in communication and their strengths and weaknesses in team work
  • Build resilience, and to work on their ability to facilitate change in the workplace
  • Learn and practice new theory and techniques to help with assertive communication
  • Develop the confidence to express ideas, resulting in tangible change 
  • Improve their judgement, and build confidence to make positive decisions
  • Understand their own preferred learning style so that they can recognise the best way for them to get stuck into team work


When young people first enter employment it can be an exciting time for both employer and employee. Employers try to help smooth the transition from education to work, so that young staff are retained and their energy is brought to the workplace. Challenges are inevitably encountered by the new staff: dealing with difficult people who may be much older, meeting deadlines and targets, communicating the right thing at the right time, fitting in, and feeling confident enough to join in and play a full part.


The programme began with one day in the client's offices for introductions and to develop personal learning objectives, and three days residential to provide an intense, experiential programme.  

Key sessions:
  • Exploring Preferred Team Roles - In what role am I happiest and in what circumstances?  How can I be more role-flexible?
  • Taking Responsibility - leading a small team through a project.  What's 'my' style?  How and when should I change it?
  • Being Assertive - practising techniques to help give a confident, clear message in a way that engages the audience positively.
  • A summary of peer and trainer feedback to develop a personal action plan for work, going forward.

Regular reviews and personal feedback helped participants to learn from taking time to consider the views of others. 

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